Why we built DefiDive

14th November 2022
DefiDive Homepage

We were unsatisfied with existing crypto data websites that frequently contain sponsored content, use confusing layouts, and load slowly. So we built DefiDive - a single destination for you to monitor prices, discover news, and track portfolios. We loved the product so much we decided to share it with the world. Our mission is now to empower others by providing accurate, clean, and accessible data. Speed matters in crypto. That’s why our design philosophy is to give you the data you need and nothing more. No ads, no distractions, no confusing layouts. DefiDive is eligible, snapy, and intuitive.

What DefiDive can do for you


The DefiDive homepage will give you an overview of market movements at a glance. Our design brief for this page was to be informative, fast and concise. No ads, no wasted space, useful information only. Click on any asset to see historical price charts, fact sheets, and news.


Time is precious in crypto. Don’t waste your time opening six different tabs to keep up to speed. Instead the DefiDive news page aggregates reputable news outlines, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels into a single page. Breaking and trending news is automatically prioritised so you don’t miss a beat. Looking for something specific? Use our filters to find topics you are interested in.


The DefiDive leaderboard page tracks the largest DeFi services so you can research the best places to stake, borrow, and lend your crypto. Filters let you find staking pools, dexes, lending platforms, and many moor. This is your front door to Web3. The key platforms are listed clearly, accurately ranked, and waiting for you to discover.


Still using spreadsheets? So were we. That’s why we built a portfolio tracker that actually works. Check your assets at a glance, see what is up/down, and watch your balance grow. We are actively working to curate the entire DefiDive website around your portfolio. Watch this space: we are building…

What you can do for DefiDive

All we ask is that you give DefiDive a try. If you like it, why not share it with a friend or join our growing Discord community?

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